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Hi All,<BR> <BR>Our schedule and the skies seem to indicate that Monday night (the 22nd) is our best chance for star gazing before the school year starts. Sorry for the short notice, but the weatherman keeps changing things. Please let us know if you and friends and/or family can make it so that we can plan for appropriate snacks and sodas. If you wish stronger BYO. The skies are dark by 9:00, if you wish to see where you are going, you might want to arrive by 8:30 (at that time we should catch Saturn setting). Around midnight, the moon and Jupiter will be rising. The address is 14069 W. Calla Rd. <BR> <BR>As we all know, forcasting weather in Ohio is only a little better than reading tea leaves, so keep an eye on this space for an update on Monday should conditions change.<BR> <BR>Roy and Jodi<BR>                                            </div></body>