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<p>Hello everyone!</p>
<p>The February YAPA meeting is still being held next Thursday Feb. 20 but please note there is a change of location.</p>
<p>The meeting will be at 6:30 at <strong>YSU</strong> instead of Poland High. The teachers there are working without a contract and can not be in the building except during school hours.</p>
<p>If anyone wanted to make a cartesian diver and wasn't able to attend the November meeting, I will have materials available. The cost is $4 for materials if you would like to make one.</p>
<p>Hope to see you at YSU room 2026 Ward Beecher on Feb 20 at 6:30! Parking is available in the Wick deck.</p>
<p>Cindy Smotzer<br>